Government Update

Director Identification Numbers

Director Identification Numbers What is a Director Identification Number (DIN)? A director identification number is a unique 15 digit identifier which will become compulsory for all directors of an Australian company from November 2021. What does this mean for you? If you are currently a director of an Australian company or you wish to become a director, you’ll need a director ID. The...

NSW Flood Relief and Employee Entitlements

In the last week, we have experienced unending downfalls resulting in severe flooding and the declaration of a natural disaster and state of emergency for parts of NSW. This devastating event has affected the lives of millions of people but there is now relief available. Yesterday, the Morrison government announced an immediate relief package of $1,000 per adult and $400...

Directors Identification Number under the Modernising Business Registers program

You may have heard about the program known as Modernising Business Registers (MBR) that was originally announced in 2019 by the Australian Government. If you have had to use the Australian Business Register (ABR) or Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) portal, you will have found them to be very outdated and difficult to navigate. The proposed MBR Program aims...